ALL Notes provides Songs Book, Notepad, To Do List and Quotes etc for FREE and helps you to take notes, create to-do list or task list or shopping list quickly and conveniently. ALL Notes is a good helper to manage your tasks, notes and easiest way to keep track of your ideas and thoughts quickly and safely.ALL Notes Songs Book :- helps to add your own song like title, description and any link like youtube, google etc. We are also provided update and delete functionality. You can share the description via sharing option and also can save it to txt, docs and pdf file.ALL Notes Notepad or Note Book or Memo is a basic text editor helps you to take notes, create Quotes or task list quickly and conveniently.ALL Notes To Do List :- Shopping list or Task List or To Do List, you can add as many tasks as you want, all languages are allowed to text.FUNCTIONS :-Create quick notes, tasks and lists.List of notes for shopping and To Do List.Sort list in Ascending or Descending order.Search notes/songs book with title.Share Notes/Lyrics with friends via Whatsapp, Email, SMS etc.Export Notes/Lyrics to TXT, DOCS and PDF Files in Phone Storage.Beautiful Material Design.Create, update and delete Notes/Lyrics.Supports Hyperlinks.Any queries please contact us by email:
[email protected] You.